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From Our Founder: Veronique


My It is also the Me We Action inaugural "me-book."

The me-book is a creative expression expansion of a traditional "e-book."

Imagine a literary song remix arranged by an author chef using ingredients and combinations to best serve an intentional ambiance and nourishment.

-I essentially became inspired to share, adapt and evolve passages, concepts, philosophies and practices for aspirational and pragmatic life mission action planning as I had trained over with a retired Navy SEAL sniper instructor, and learned about Zen Buddhism with Thich Nhat Hanh's "Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet" - or the art of living and loving the planet. - and I wanted to put the two sources of wisdom-into-action together, and thought it would be a pragmatic and purposeful way to organize for evolving our lifestyles and communities to support happy people living with healthy planet.

From there what else wanted to join these two sources or ingredients in my me-book?

Nature Speaks, the definition of a true tribe, an inventor, a Christian minister's understanding of human effort and possibilities, and "me" and my "it" -- which involves the pragmatic aspirational intentional life planning and tribing-training together in Me We Action programs (coming soon).

Therefore, the me-book recipe became this:

  1. Read passages from interdisciplinary sources – current and historic

  2. Weave together in an exponentially powerful medicine of intergenerational wisdom not possible as separate sources - be creative and intentionally, nutritionally smart

  3. Reveal Source/ingredient list at the end of me-book reading experience so as to not influence the reader if they recognize the name or source background -- to be with the words and wisdom

  4. me-book technology tool is in development - for now, add by hand.

We thank these authors for their wisdom, courage, creativity, compassion, and commitment towards that which is beautifully powerful and vulnerable in our human-planet experience:

The inaugural me-book was launched on November 26, 2022 as part of giving thanks to all that we have and hold together in our lives and planet.

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Laughing together is one of the experiences we will offer at our "ME WE Happy Hours."

So... you're not into yoga or your are into yoga?

Let's clarify: The yoga part of "Laughter Yoga" is not traditional poses - even though laughing while in traditional yoga poses could be a lot of fun ... this is more of a breathing diaphragm laughing practice is proven to help to:

  1. oxygenate the blood

  2. increase happy hormones, and

  3. boost cardio health (10 minutes of non-stop laughter = 30 minutes of cardio exercise)

All humans have been given the gift of laughter - let's make good use of it, together! 😂💯

TRY THIS: Take out your cell phone and set your timer to 30 seconds and try to laugh

non-stop for 30 seconds - report back how you feel after!

EXTRA: Leave a voice mail or audio message for someone you love, know or even don't know and just laugh for 10 seconds - you know you made them smile in appreciative human astonishment for being given a gift of laughter when they least expected it!

[We are Laughter Yoga Leaders from the Laughter Yoga International University]

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